Friday, September 23, 2016


 All to Jesus

We hear the tune and as soon as the words sound, you begin singing it along with the soloist or choir. Yeah, you’re not American Idol material, but who cares. The song is a prayer of surrender.
The questions are what are you surrendering and is it your version of all?
·         Your life for the first time or second? Not that God counts because He accepts EVERYONE as they come.  
      Life’s issues? Between morning and our night’s sleep we tend enter the world of work, school, family, friends, church and all in between that brings forth all kinds of issues. Even ones you had nothing to do with.
           Personal health and sometimes someone else’s becomes your focus.
If you search you’ll read that the word All has many synonyms associated with itself and similar words that describe more or less of its same significance.
She placed her hand on Jocelyn’s shoulder. “You know you can cry if you want to.”
She shook her head in defiance. “I don’t wanna cry! I don’t wanna hurt! I don’t wanna feel anything!”
“What do you want?”
Nerves grabbed her throat as her knees shook uncontrollably. “Honestly, I want to disappear! I want to run as far as I can where no one can find me.”
“I can understand that.”      
Reminiscence Chapter, 13, Page 147

How often have you heard that line? And, either during or after the line is spoken, you stare at the person as though they’re being ridiculous.

And why? Because you believe that no one ion God’s green earth and within the trillions of individuals He’s created could have ever gone through what you’ve been through. Such a simple and repetitive scheme and yet it works to Satan’s advantage almost every time.

Could this be you?

The words didn’t quite fit causing Jocelyn to overwhelm with frustration. Getting up from the stool she started to pace and yell at the lighted ceiling. “You understand! YOU understand? NO ONE understands! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!” She lowered her angered voice. “I am supposed to be the temple of God where the Holy Spirit dwells. I am supposed to keep myself pure and clean as an honor to Him. And look what happens, look at me.” Her sobs took over while covering her eyes with one arm. “I’ve failed because some jerk decided to take vengeance in the cruelest way.” Elaina walked toward her extending a hug. Stubbornly, Jocelyn pulled away forcing her to stop. “Please don’t. Me speaking and feeling like this, I don’t deserve a hug.”
Reminiscence Chapter, 13, Page 147

Perhaps not in the specific way of the characters manner of speaking, but we do question on why things happen. The fact that your body is a temple may not be a subject you bring up, but the fact that you feel violated in any way and for whatever reason and by whomever is enough.

And then the thought of personal failure invades. Not only in your Christian walk but in any other walk of life.  It may equal to shame that adds devaluation of you.

This is where we tend to refuse to seek a listening ear or go in search for the person who’ll have pity on us. You may even find the person who’ll pretend ti listen, give an ambiguous advice and then roll their eyes behind your back proving that you’re an imposition to their 

Fortunately, you may find someone who’ll speak like this.

“I know you may not like what I’m going to say, but as a Christian I have no choice but to say this. You are a child of God and because of that you have to find a way to forgive those who wrong you at all times. It will be hard and it will take some time, but you have to.” She closed the space. “Do it for yourself, for your personal healing.”
Reminiscence Chapter, 13, Page 147

Personal Healing

Several years ago my Pastor of Living Faith Christian Center invited Dr.  Colbert  to speak about health and nutrition. What I didn’t expect him to speak about was forgiveness and how many are ill because they refuse to practice it.

Forgiveness is a very sensitive subject that so many of us are afraid to touch unless we’re in church asking God for it. We think about what whoever did and hold on to that without realizing that it’s affecting our heart, mind and character. Sometimes it’s been so long since whoever did what that they’ve forgotten. So much so that when we finally see them and not extend a word or hand they question it. Of course we look at them and say with a harsh attitude, “Oh like you don’t know?”

Guess what? They don’t!

You spend days and months and even years holding on to something that’s destroying your health. Take this time to begin repairing it.

Focused solely on her eyes, trying to touch Jocelyn soulfully, “I know for a fact you did nothing, but it’s more of them having a satisfaction of vengeance. You know Satan uses people whether they know it or not and sometimes whether they like it or not. He uses weapons that hurt the most and at a specific time. I’m sure Satan noticed how happy you were with meeting a good man, going to a good church, discovering what may be your greatest accomplishments as a person, in your career and your life.”
Reminiscence Chapter, 13, Page 148

It’s ugly and its partner vengeance makes things even uglier. We already have people who don’t like us, but to know that family and friends can scheme up things that cause us to tumble down a hill?
  •       My childhood best friend who was also my maid-of-honor went to my mother and accused me of sleeping with her boyfriend. I didn’t come to know till after my honeymoon. She’s also the one who cut all communication with me and without reason. I haven’t seen or spoken with her in close to twenty years, per her choice.

My reaction was filled with nonstop painful tears that equaled to days. Unanswered questions disrupted my some of my night; we were like sister, hung out every day since kindergarten. Anger of what she accused me of, and of all people, to my mother. Anger because she never gave face and I wasn’t able to defend my honor or snatch her throat. But then a coward would never own up to the truth behind their lie.
  • ·         A few years back I came to find out that an in-law doesn’t like our family because of me. They have yet to speak to me about the subject though they see me two or three times a year. Despite of that, I can assure that every time I see them I say hello way after long minutes have crossed from their arrival, which is always after my arrival.   

How many times have I sung this song? And just the same have taken the problem back? How about you?

Living words spoken to her, and whether she liked it or not they obligated a breakthrough. “How do I continue without falling?”
“You continue to walk Despite the facts. Sometimes you’ll run – praising God through everything. Unfortunately, you will fall, but thank our Father that Psalms 30 verse 5 says that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. For every time you fall, make it a determination to get up and even stronger.”
Reminiscence Chapter, 13, Page 147

I’ve come to learn that my life is not valued according to someone else’s manner of thinking towards me or the negative way they may speak about me. In fact, when it’s brought to my attention, and after thinking about it for a rattling minute, I come to the conclusion of, Wow I must be that important in their life(s). Don’t get me wrong, words hurt and it sometimes takes time to shove it off my shoulder, but it doesn’t take as long as it used to.

I give it to God every single time without taking it back as quickly as before. My hope is that you come to a point of letting go – Surrender it All.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


  • To cast one's mind back to, look back on, be nostalgic about
  • To recall or recollect, reflect on.
  • To remember - have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past.

“Brad, I told you to leave me alone!” She growled in assertion as her eyes flared with fury.
Leaning in he said, “I’m not leaving you alone. You owe me for two upsetting moments in my life.”
“What two? I only hit you once and…“
Raising his voice, “Don’t act stupid! In the ninth grade, you broke my lip for speaking badly about your mamacita.” He sang the word with mockery rolling off his tongue.
                                                                           Reminiscence - Chapter 4, pg. 29

You have a secret…

Your family has a secret…

Your neighbors, friends and colleagues have secrets…

  • The Adjective form of a secret is something not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others.
  • The Noun form of a secret is something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.

Take note that both meanings have certain words in common

  • or not meant to be known or seen by others
  • or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others

Not to scare you, but somewhere over the rainbow may know what you never intended to let out. It may be a friend whom was also your accomplice or a foe whom turned your life upside for their personal pleasure.

As time goes by you decide to eliminate that segment of your life. So much so, that when it’s brought to your attention in whatever way you completely disregard it as though it were an error by the person mentioning it.

From what I understand this is known as motivated forgetting which is a theorized psychological behavior in which people may forget unwanted memories, either consciously or unconsciously.

Whether good or bad, the fact is that whatever was hidden will come to light, (Luke 8:17 NLT) and that’s the moment when your world may turn upside down.

She stared at him with an austere attitude. “I read your letter and don’t get what you’re trying to say. I don’t remember knowing you as a kid.”
With a still and grim voice, “Oh, you don’t remember. Nice. You’re pretending to ignore or have amnesia. Let me take a few minutes to remind you of our relationship. We were kids when I began playing with you, then pulling your long hair, and pushing you to the ground. That was my way of playing tag.”
            He stepped closer, “I then started to kiss your cheek and then your mouth and though you’d push me away I knew you liked it! We then started playing another kind of tag. I would feel your most private possessions and let you or better said, forced you to touch mine.” He closed his eyes relishing and sighing with vigor. “You said you never liked it, but I know the truth. I came close to teaching you what I learned by watching special movies at home.”
He opened his lust filled crimson eyes, “But you ruined our relationship by telling your parents and teachers.” He growled softly, gripping the chair. “What a pity! But, I promise this does NOT stop here, it’ll continue until I say so!” With flaring nostrils, “By the way, let go of this heroine performance, it doesn’t suit you.”

Reminiscence – Chapter 7, pg. 77

I know that it may hurt, but I want you to remember if you were ever bullied by a classmate? By the one who pretended to be your friend that then manipulate you on doing things you knew were wrong or you didn’t like?

How about your son or daughter? That child or teen you know? Perhaps the college student that decides to join an Alpha whatever that was persuaded to do things they’ve never done before that caused them to miss out on greater opportunities?

Shame and guilt are two of many factors that come to light when the things that you didn’t want exposed have been. Doubt toward whoever, now, knows equals to pushing yourself away from those that truly love. Alone and not speaking to anyone about anything is best…  NOT!

Though it’s hard and old emotions will simmer up to the surface you should speak…

Every word inched up her skin slicing like small blades. Her chest heaved as heat coated her cheeks and tears streaked her face. Nausea caught her throat as he blissfully factored each incident causing films of deleted memories to develop. For the first time in her life, hatred consumed her inner being as shame and disgust wrapped her core. Not able to take it any longer she turned and tore away. Her posture now faint from where it held just a few minutes before.
Reminiscence – Chapter 7, pg. 77

  • With your spouse
  • With your child or have your child share with you
  • With your Pastor or Counselor or friend

Will the suggestions heal the uncovered secret(s) and the pain that flooded along with it? Gradually and eventually, with a process of rollercoaster emotions that will come and go at different times and places. But remember that ...

Proverbs 10:12 (NIV) - Hatred stirs up conflict, but Love covers over all wrongs.

Friday, June 24, 2016


Whether verbally spoken or in sign language and in any other language, words have the power to build or destroy, bring forward or push away. They have the ability to mend a broken heart or tear it to pieces, create a vivid imagination or dilute an illicit thought.

As you already know, words are everywhere. Things and people are named a word, each one having its meaning by which the person or thing is usually implied as. For example, someone speaks the word “tree” and your thought automatically conceives a tall brown and green thing that stands. You may even imagine it in the midst of a forest or park. You may have named your child that specific name because of its meaning or sentimental value, but at the foundation, rather good or bad, it has its definition.

A child will learn the sound of a word to then pronounce it. During their elementary school age they learn what a word means, but may not learn the power it holds until…

As tweens and teens we learn the function of a word and use our creative aspects to give it power, but may not comprehend the extent of its power, until…

As adults we learn and determine the words potential and, whether right or wrong, we sometimes use it beyond its recognition.

For example, the word “dog” was originally granted to identify a specific animal. In today’s culture, “dog” is slang term for friend and perhaps (depending on how you look at it) the description of a woman. The Oxford Dictionary historic meaning of the word “bitch” is a female dog. But the evolution of language has added implications, and has transformed it into an insult. adds its definition as “a lewd or immoral woman, a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman. Something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant.”

Be honest, you read the word “bitch” and its original meaning was nowhere to be found within your intellect. In fact, you probably announced, “oh my god!” before you continued reading.

Being an only child wasn’t easy – her Papi’s princess, her Mami’s rival. Whatever she wanted he gave, while Mami yelled, finding motive without explanation. - Reminiscence chapter 1, page 1

We use with and without knowing its affect

As I wrote before, during a child’s elementary years they learn a words pronunciation and definition. Their little minds soak up all it can, which includes precise words that we parents don’t want them to learn. The simplest one’s are stupid or retard and so many more. And though, we may not directly teach them to our kids they hear it from us, other adults and other children. The words unfortunately become weapons towards their friends or the kids they or their friend decide not to like. And, unfortunately, the same words make a U-turn and strike your child in the process.

Our boys and girls enter the tween and teen years discovering other words that are not found in the proper English, Spanish an any other dialects dictionary. Or, they’re learning a new meaning to the various words that at one time were innocent. The words stupid and/or retard evolve into fat and/or ugly followed by vulgarities that you and I would slam anyone for speaking them to us. We may not know about it, because of their personal involvement and evolvement which was discovered in this new found age. It has convinced them that speaking with mom and dad is useless for the reasoning fact that, they know nothing.
You remember those days?

The questions I have for you…

Are you watching what you say to your sons and daughters? How about when they’re with you and you’re speaking with another adult?
For some reason we’ve come to the false truth that just because our children are near us doesn’t mean they’re really listening. Your thoughts are, they’re watching TV or reading a book.

Surprise, surprise… Our children are very good at pretending and we adults choose to ignore that fact. Just because their little eyes are glued to the TV or book, doesn’t mean their ears are clogged. It also doesn’t mean that their mouths didn’t gape when the special “F” or “B” and “S” words spit out of your mouths. And, please don’t be surprised if they go to their best friends and share, “Mommy” or “Daddy said…” 

Think about the many times you may have, knowingly or unknowingly, called your daughter and/or son ignorant or worthless. Or, perhaps you didn’t say the exact word, but implied it by gesturing an offense. We don’t always realize, but should take note of their reaction and the after affects.

How often have you spoken and not realize your friends or neighbors child is listening? This question may have had you thinking, What do I care what their child does? But, if their parent doesn’t care and you don’t care, then who will?

Little Jay and Kitty
Little Jay and his mommy were standing in front of their home when she decided to play a detective game with her son. Mommy pointed to the grassy road between theirs and the neighbor’s house. Pretending to be suspicious, “I wonder what’s back there.”

He says in a mischievous squeak, “Go take a look.”

Mommy looks at Little Jay, “Come with me,” and extends her hand.

Without a second thought he smiles and says, “What wrong? Are you a pussy?”

Mommy stared in shock and he stares back questioning her expression. In a bothered tone she asked, “What did you say?”

He repeated it, but in a small and shaken voice, “Are … you … a … pussy?” obviously not knowing the truth behind the words improper use.

Walking toward Little Jay she asked, “Where did you learn that word?”


Do you know what that word means?” He responded a silent no and she continued, “Well, I don’t know how to explain it, but I don’t want you to say it again.” She lifted her eye brows, 

“Okay?” and waited for his answer.

The story above was an actual conversation I had with my youngest son.
If anyone knows how to explain that the word “pussy” no longer only means “kitten” but, in fact has several other meaning, please share.

What I find surprising about myself is that as straightforward as I am with my boys, this one incident had me stuck. His innocence didn’t understand, but his obedience agreed to not using it any more.

How do I know? He doesn’t even say it to describe a cat or kitten.

Personal experience

I grew up in a home with both my parents. But, the expressive words “I love you” was a limited sentence and hugs were a limited gesture.

What were very present were the hurtful words that continually dissolved my self-esteem. How often did the word, “retard,” explode? So many times, that I actually thought that there was something mentally wrong with me. “Stupid” came after I failed a test or was unable to complete my homework.

I grew up not knowing how to cook a proper meal, which by old fashioned standard is impermissible in the Puerto Rican culture. But, it’s not that I didn’t want to learn. It was because after very little tries my mother would yell me out of the kitchen, “Get out! You don’t know what you’re doing!” The special “F” or “B” and “S” words were never spoken and I believe it was because of the lack of English. But then, I could be wrong since I was raised in religious home.

When I hit junior high the quiet and practically nonexistent little girl exploded into an attitude problem. You looked down at me and I’d get into your face. I remember when one of my schoolmates noticed one of my reactions. Her mouth dropped, “Wow! You changed.”

Okay, so I became noticeably loud, straightforward and sarcastic. The reason … I bottled everything up.

I didn’t dare to speak with anyone because my parents were well-known and upright people whom were so nice to everyone else and I never spoke to them about personal issues. The reason… If they spoke to me the way they did and I barely did anything, imagine how they’d react if I shared all else with them?

Believe it or not they loved me. They just simply didn’t know how to express it correctly.

This is how I came to know…

Many years later, after 15 years of marriage and purchasing our second home, my mother came to me and apologized for treating me the way she did. Her exact words (in Spanish), “This is how I was treated and thought that it was the correct way.”

I had already forgiven her prior to that conversation, because I had dedicated my life to God and had learned that everything has its reason. That truthful reasoning had me reconsidering on how I speak to my boys.

There’ve been moments where my character has gotten out of line and after several minutes (and sometime days) I’ll humble myself and say, “I’m sorry.” I’ve even apologized to my husband. The several times that I haven’t recognized my husband and sons will make me aware. Proud to say that I’ve given them that permission, for I’d rather humble myself and learn early than losing out at the end.

Final Note

Don’t allow your words or anyone else’s words destroy you or anyone else.

I know, it’s not always easy to pause and think about your next sentence when it comes to a one-on-one battle with your rival or friend. Though it takes time to learn, please learn.

Take control of the TV shows and the movies and the music you allow yourself and your child to see and listen to. Their mind, heart and soul feel the impact of suggestive words. Their character and language become infected by what they hear and see.

You may have grown up in an environment like mine. Perhaps it was smoother. Perhaps it was worse and more that anyone could imagine. Personal determination and my encounter with God helped me become who I am today. Why not make a personal determination of your own and do the opposite of what you did prior to now, despite of it not being easy. Decide to build yourself, your spouse and children into the predestined success by speaking life filled words into their lives.

Lil Child by Marisa Morales-Lopez

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


A subject that catches one’s attention, a word that extends to various levels and bring forth mixed emotions. It works on a daily basis, without cease and with acceptable pay.
·         Daily, because every person does it to someone else and/or themselves whether they know it or not.
·         Without cease, because it has specific destinations that eventually extends beyond barriers. We may not know how to stop it and/or we don’t always seek out the help needed for lack of wanting it or belief that we don’t need it.
·         With pay, because there are many that become satisfied on seeing someone else suffer for what we or someone else caused. And, there are some that truly believe that what’s being done will help that person’s maturity.
Hosea 4:6a
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

In “Baggage” I spoke about our children going to college and moving out. In the second blog I mentioned the many facades and/or friends they would meet.

The questions are…
Will they face abuse of any sort? And by whom? The unfortunate reality is that we read and hear news based on abuse within fraternities, from professors and roommates. But, what if your son or daughter were the ones causing the abuse?
The reason I ask is because the main question in “Baggage” was, “Is it independence or escape?”
I’m one parent that places their child on a pedestal and I’m pretty sure you do the same. But, how often did reality remove that pedestal from under having truth expose what they are behind your back? Have you spoken to your child about abuse and the many types? When and how to speak if they’re aware of abuse? Should they get involved or approach someone? Are they willing enough?

For your personal research - Abuse in College Relationships.
You may be surprised or may not.

Jocelyn stared firmly into Lacey’s blue eyes. “Good morning, Lacey. How’s your neck?” making sure that that she knew that something had happened.
The response was spoken nervously while covering her neck, “Oh, it's fine.”
Jocelyn sweet voice became a bothered tone as her eyes squint, “No it’s not. Who did this to you?”
Lacey jolted back, startled by the harsh tone from Jocelyn. “Okay, okay. The day after I yelled at Brad for speaking to you the way he did, he came to our room. I thought it was to make up or say sorry, but instead he grabbed me by the neck.” - Reminiscence, chapter 3

Behind your back…
1.       Your son or daughter is the image of a good child - so good, that perhaps they haven’t realized that they may be victims of bullying. In their innocent minds its child’s play. Is the relationship between you and your child resilient enough for them to share subjects with you?

2.     Your child is one whom likes to test their boundaries. Either good or bad, they simply enjoy knowing what they can get or how far they can go. You also know that they know their limits when it comes to others. What are the chances of he or she being part of group that bullies? In their opinion it’s a game that involves team effort.

3.      Your child is straightforward in action. Sarcasm and having the last word is a way of expressing themselves. You receive calls from school, church and any other place they’ve been. Are they the bully or is someone bullying them?

The three mentioned are examples of what could be and not necessarily in that manner. It could be a mixed match - the sweetest child in town is dirtiest of all or the cruelest is the one being run over. Truth is, kids tend play hide and seek during these situations and unfortunately, fear alongside shame will be their greatest allies.

I have three boys, each one of three different worlds. My eldest is more like number 1, because it happened in elementary school. The good news is that my husband caught it on time. My second is more like number 2, because he tends to acknowledge what others think. My youngest is more like number 3. That I know of, neither one are bullies because we as parents speak to them on a continual and I personally go beyond to show the after effects of abuse.

NOTE:  Searching YouTube is a good sources for this.

You may have the same situation as I, which jumps into the question of…

·         Are we attentive enough to realize if there was a problem?
·         Are we reading their appearance and/or character and noticing if the change that occurred or may be occurring gradual or sudden?
I know… To many questions at one time that may be causing you to reanalyze several things.


Walking through the hall towards the cafeteria she noticed Brad coming up the left side. The vexation and livid emotions she felt yesterday returned with a fuming opinion. How can a man touch a woman like that? Papi always taught me that a woman is to be touched with affection, no matter what. Continuing to watch his approach, her surrounding became slow motion from one moment to another.
Curling her right hand into a fist she slammed his jaw line with her graduation ring causing him to hit the floor and blood to spew from the left side of his bottom lip.
An echo sounded, “Fight!” triggering everyone to surround them.
“What is your problem!?” Brad spoke in dazed anger.
Standing over him as outraged tone and hyperactive breathing consumed every portal of her body. “You’re my problem! Don’t you ever touch Lacey again! And if you even think about getting close, you, the cops and I are going to have a date!” - Reminiscence, chapter 3

John 15:13 NLT
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.

I’m one that has defended her husband and children by use of words without cursing. I’m one that will be a friend till the end and will go as far as needed with good reason. I’m also one that’s been verbally abused as child, betrayed and has been blamed for things I didn’t do or for a circumstance I had no control over. I’m one that listens to a person’s cry and sometimes join in for empathy's purpose. I’m one that shares an opinion and let the person flow from there. I’m also the one that will disconnect from people because their venom is polluting my space.

All of the above was learned by personal experience or by watching others do or not do.

This brings me to another question…

Who’s teaching your kids about abuse and the many kinds?
·         School and church is a good source, but we the parents are to begin and end that conversation.

What are your kids watching or doing that may produce a negative input?
·         I was one little girl that uncovered things I wasn’t supposed to, because my parents didn’t know how to watch me.

Where are they receiving information?
·         Friends, family and the unknown are good sources to receive the good, bad and ugly information. Which takes me back to, we the parents are to begin and end the conversation.

When and how is the right time to speak with your son and daughter?
·         From the moment they begin walking and speaking.
·         From the moment they begin to watch and ask.
·         From the moment they begin to hear and say.
·         And so on…

Why should you?

·         For every reason presented above.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Do you know who your daughters’ with?
How about your son?
Should you care?

Would you consider thinking about your daughters’ friends more than your sons?
You know, because, he’s a guy and shouldn’t have the same limits as she.

I imagine that right about now you’ve initiated a debate, either with this page or a live person. If your daughter is with you and reading, she’s also fuming.  If your son is within the room, he may be smirking.

The debate may add questions having to do with age, their friends’ gender and whether they know this person well enough. And, by this time someone else may have added their opinion.

I Know How This Feels

I was the only girl, born seven years after three boys to two old fashioned and very religious parents. I understand this type of conversation and how it can be offensive to a girl when the boy is given all the rights to do as he pleases – go almost anywhere and do almost anything.

So, imagine what it was like for me.

Did I agree with the concept? No!
Do I agree with it now? No!
What I do believe is that parents have every right to know who’s who in their children’s lives.

Truth is that nowadays our kids have so many, and possibly too many, friends - one’s we know and love, one’s we wished they had never met, and the nameless. According to our kids, they have thousands of “friends” between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other interactive media that we, as adults, may have yet to discover. And don’t forget school, church and any other locations. 

The question is…

Do your kids know the difference between friend and acquaintance? They may not.
Do you? I ask, because I have my work friends, church friends and people I associate with on the street and media.
·         Subjects pertaining to work are discussed with those friends. The information isn’t shared with anyone else, because of privacy issues and the fact that you don’t want to fry someone’s brain with boredom.
·         For most people, church friends are those you sing hallelujah with and discuss (or argue) the belief behind that favorite verse. I’m one that will chat and laugh to the point where my husband’s whispers, “it’s time to go,” and our boys have to practically drag me out.
·         I’m also one that doesn’t share personal information on media. Some pictures, I speak an opinion or tap the like button. But there are those who share their autobiography and won’t shut-up.

·         There are people that will speak to everyone and anything that crosses their paths on a daily. I’d rather be the silent one riding the train reading and listening to music. Once in a while I’ll look at my surroundings, move for personal comfort and excuse myself if I accidentally bump into someone or have to exit. Sometimes my “excuse me” will evolve into a simple conversation and, depending on the subject, it will allow a straightforward comment from my part, which is another way I’ve executed the unwanted or unneeded.

Let’s return to our Baggage

After pulling her luggage out she headed towards the brick building and sensed a young man approach. With her sunglasses still on, she studied him out of the corner of her eye. He was tall, slightly built and somewhat handsome with black flowing hair. Jocelyn stopped her pace and asked, “Hi, may I help you?”
Staring at her from top to bottom, he licked his lips. “No, but may I help you? My name’s Brad, what’s yours?”
Before answering she gazed at him with a stern look. “My name is Jocelyn and no, I’m good. Thank you.” – Reminiscence Chapter 2

The people your son and daughter associate with on a day to day tend to hide behind a facade.

Face it; no one knows the story behind the walls of that beautiful house that’s pretending to be a home. The people we meet are simply shadows of their true selves.  

Brad and Elmo entered the room and grinned in her direction. The girl excitedly spoke, “Hi! My name is Lacey, but you can call me Cheetah, cuz I’m wild. Growl.”
Staring with a cynical smirk she undesirably introduced herself. “Hi, my name is Jocelyn.”
With a vibrant sound to her tone, “Oh, can I call you Josie; I can be the Pussy Cat!” The girl had a pale complexion, blue eyes, and freckles. She wore torn jean shorts and a white tank top…her bra was red. – Reminiscence Chapter 2

As you continue to read “Reminiscence” you’ll see Jocelyn Rodriguez encounter various…
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