Sunday, January 15, 2017


I am not describing the image within the artistic portrait.
It’s simply coincidental that I found this piece within Google images.
I tried finding the artist by tapping the picture. Unfortunately, it connected me to another website.
            Staring at the ceiling she focused on the most extraordinary scene. An open space gave way to three large and extended white clouds. A tall, light skinned, muscular built man with black hair, dressed in a white metal warrior’s armor with a sword guarded the left cloud. On the right cloud stood another tall, light skinned, thinner built man with black hair dressed in a matching uniform. The center cloud was wider and extended beyond the other two. As though watching a movie she saw a tall and more powerfully built man ascended from under the third cloud. He was dressed in a silver breastplate trimmed in gold with white wings extending from his back.
            His hands gripped the neck of a black wolfed creature wearing a black shell. Its black skeletal wings extended over his head with pointed ends. The two battled in midair by use of physical strength and words. Placing its claws in between the armored man’s arms the creature pushed him away and fisted his face, unable to knock him over. The man smiled and flew straight at the thing ramming it down at full force. “Isaiah 54:17 says that NO weapon formed against His children shall prosper! And every tongue that accuses in judgment will be condemned.”
            Sarcasm disgorged from the creature’s response, “That’s nice, but the weapons I’m using pierce her heart and soul a time.” Snarling with saliva gushing from its fangs he forcefully pushed the armored man off.
            “The Lord is her shepherd and she shall not be in want.”
            “You’re right. She’ll not be in want after she’s been destroyed by darkness.”
            Fury consumed the warrior. Pulling out a golden dagger he flew into the black wolf and stabbed it in the arm. Red blood surged, landing on the cloud yet turning into thick black ink, disintegrating into dust. A painful screech thundered as the shielded man pulled the dagger out. Grabbing it by the neck with one hand while placing the dagger at its throat he spoke in authority, “I am commanding you to leave her alone in the name of Jesus! Philippians 4:19 says that her God will meet every one of her needs according to His riches in His Glory by Christ Jesus.”
            Staring at Jocelyn, it let out a deep and long howl as smoke flared from its nostrils. Sounding malevolent and licentious, “For now, But I WILL be back with a PROMISE to fulfill MY vengeance!”

How often do you wonder if there’s an angel or demon sitting on either side of our shoulders? One requests that we do a good deed and the other requests that we ignore the little angel and do the opposite.

I’m one that considers this to be, somewhat, true. I believe that, though they may not sit on either side of our shoulders, they are mandated with a specific plan. They both battle for our soul with the intention of winning.

I also believe that the choice is ours on whether to do the good, the bad or the ugly.
How about you? Do you believe that there are angels and demons? Do you believe they’re warring against each other for you?
  • The one side battles for righteousness and the other battles for evil.
  • The one side wants your freedom and the other wants your captivity.
  • The one side agrees with you having a free will and the other wants to hold your will within its grip.

If you’re not a Spiritual or Biblical person then I’m pretty sure that you’re a bit confused and looking at the subject quite questionably. The truth is that all of what I wrote and your reading are faithfully filled with truth.

Think About This Way

The news media show images of the outside world declaring continuous wars.
The situation is that we hear the word war and our first thought is the Middle East, Russia and any foreign country that combats against the county we live in. Though that’s true and though we believe that somehow something evil outside our understanding is driving their desire for corruption, we need to also remember that there’s a war going on that’s closer to home.

Personally Closer to You

How often do you wake up in the morning expecting an easy day that’ll bring happiness? And then, you step outside ready to face your day – family, the street, your job. It all goes wrong. Your mind begins to think and your mouth has the need to begin rambling it on. 
  • You have the choice of calming down and staying shut     or
  • You have the choice of expressing your thoughts loudly

Where do you think bad habits begin?
  • Addiction to tobacco, drugs and/or alcohol
  • Addiction to sex of all types
  • Addiction to food or sweets or refusing to eat
  • Needing to be like someone else or envying someone else’s lifestyle
  • Refusing to love yourself for whatever reason
  • Refusing to engage with others for the simplest (and perhaps the stupidest) explanations
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical and Mental Health conditions because of emotional distress

They may have begun…
  • In the way we were raised – what we saw or were taught
  • With the people whom we engaged with – past or present

No doubt you believe that these are situations based on life and personal thoughts.

Truth… they are.

You probably refuse to believe that they are also spiritual options.

Truth… they are.

I Battle…

Every morning I wake up with a different emotion.
  • Monday’s I’m energized.
  • Tuesday’s I’m in the OMG mode for no apparent reason.
  • Wednesday I’m excited because the week is halfway done.
  • Thursday’s I’m frustrated because of the prior days.
  • Friday I’m forcing all emotions to settle down in prep for the weekend.
  • Saturday I’m too tired to take up the Mami/Housewife responsibility.
  • Sunday I’m spiritually re-energizing in church.

Every afternoon and evenings I settle with a different emotion from what I woke up with. As I’m driving I’m also yelling at drivers and pedestrians (without them knowing).
  • Monday’s may be dismayed because I want to go to the gym and may not be able to.
  • Tuesday’s I’m probably too tired to go the gym.
  • Wednesday’s I’m thrilled for being part of LFCC Youth.
  • Thursday’s I’m rambling to my hubby about how right or wrong things are going with my new job.
  • Friday’s I’m still trying to figure out what I’m presenting to my Cub Scouts.
  • Saturday I hope to have had enough energy to have done something around the house.
  • Sunday’s I feel re-energized because of church.

On one of those Saturdays my husband commented on my hair and I began to whimper about his love toward me. On Monday morning I showed him a haircut I was thinking of getting and when he commented I whimpered again. Neither comment was good or bad.  They were simply comments without fundamental.

There’s a good chance I sound like an emotional whirlwind.

Guess what? So are you!

Now I sound offended, but I’m not.

Male and Female, though we react contrarily, we are emotional creatures by nature and by choice. 

Every morning while I’m showering I pray. And while I’m praying, every other thought pops up having nothing to do with what I’m speaking to God about.  It’s Satan’s way of disrupting my conversation with the Father.
  • I have the choice of continuing our conversation or continuing to dwell on distractions.

Every morning while driving and throughout my workday I listen to music or an inspiring message as a manner of cooling my senses down. I call it a pre-prep to what Satan has already set against my victory.
  • I have the choice of shutting down the music and message.

Every other afternoon while driving and yelling, I’m also speaking with a friend on my cell via Bluetooth. She laughs at my antics and I laugh at hers, or I sooth down with more music.
  • I have the choice of doing neither one. But me not making a choice is a choice.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I like music. I consider the cords the beginning to what I want to listen to and then consider the rhythmically spoken words. I’ve said it before; words are the most powerful weapons that are used to build or destroy a person. Words behind songs have that same power.

Lucifer (aka Satan) was once the Minister of Music when he was in heaven.
  • I have the choice of listening to something that will help build my inner being or bring it down.

 Back to the Beginning

Every angel from heaven is set beside you with the purpose of fulfilling God’s will for your life, just like every demon from hell is set beside you with the purpose of fulfilling Satan’s will for your life.

Neither one of us can physically see it, but truth rests behind. It may be a lot to take in, yet it’s worth knowing.

God gave me strategies to help combat my daily struggles and He’ll do the same for you. As time goes by I’m going to overcome whatever personal battle I have within, because I know I can do without.

And so will you.

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